Spice Up Your MRLs During Australia and New Zealand’s Harmonization Request Period Bio

Spice Up Your MRLs During Australia and New Zealand’s Harmonization Request Period

Tell Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) what MRLs you want, (what you really, really want) during their annual Harmonization Request Period.

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New Grant Money? Here's What To Do Next Bio

New Grant Money? Here's What To Do Next

The federal government continues to announce grant programs that present new opportunities for food, beverage, and agribusiness.

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Trade Trailblazing: Your Guide for Success in a New Market Bio

Trade Trailblazing: Your Guide for Success in a New Market

Are you planning to apply for the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP)? If so, you may be considering promoting your product or commodity in a brand-new market. Here are some tips from the BCI team.

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Working Backwards – Strategies for Results-Oriented Program Development Bio

Working Backwards – Strategies for Results-Oriented Program Development

What does it take to develop a retail marketing program in Southeast Asia? How effectively are you communicating your industry’s sustainability achievements to your customers?

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Falling Behind:  Tariffs and U.S. Agricultural Exports Bio

Falling Behind: Tariffs and U.S. Agricultural Exports

The exclusion of the United States in multilateral trade agreements has had a negative impact on the ability of exporters to compete in the global marketplace.

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Five Tips to Help Secure Grant Funding Bio

Five Tips to Help Secure Grant Funding

Now that you have identified a grant program and plan to submit an application, here are five things to keep in mind to maximize your chances of securing funding.

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Mastering the Maze of Grants Bio

Mastering the Maze of Grants

With so many grant programs out there, how do you determine which grants are right for you & your organization’s needs?

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What Does the Zero Draft Mean for the United Nations Plastics Treaty? Bio

What Does the Zero Draft Mean for the United Nations Plastics Treaty?

As the world continues to see a paradigm shift in sustainable packaging, countries are rapidly developing their own individual sustainable packaging regulations. The United Nations seeks to add uniformity to the process.

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Enter the World of Single-Use Plastics Bans Bio

Enter the World of Single-Use Plastics Bans

England's bold bans, Taiwan's tactical phasing, and Australia's state-led approach; Three markets exemplify the difficulty in determining if, how, and when single-use plastics regs could affect your international business.

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The Future of Packaging: Examining Canada's Strategies to Combat Plastic Waste Bio

The Future of Packaging: Examining Canada's Strategies to Combat Plastic Waste

A deep dive into Canada’s plastic reduction strategy highlights how your business may be affected by this important market’s particular mix of food packaging sustainability policies.

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EU Requires Coffee, Cocoa, Soy, and Other Commodities to Be Deforestation-Free Starting December 2024 Bio

EU Requires Coffee, Cocoa, Soy, and Other Commodities to Be Deforestation-Free Starting December 2024

It’s reality. The EU’s new Deforestation-Free Supply Chain Regulation, with far-reaching impacts on farmers and food companies across the globe, will enter into force on June 29, 2023

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Unpacking Sustainable Packaging Regulations Bio

Unpacking Sustainable Packaging Regulations

The environmentally conscious consumer is on the rise, a legally binding UN treaty on plastic pollution is under way: Are you on top of the complex and varying food packaging regulations around the world?

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Even Simple Front of Pack Nutrition Labels Make Exporting for a Global Market Much More Complex Bio

Even Simple Front of Pack Nutrition Labels Make Exporting for a Global Market Much More Complex

As countries are seeking to promote healthier eating, one immediate impact for food companies is clear – designing compliant labels across many markets has become more difficult and costly, and there is more to come.

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Is the World Regulating Its Way To Better Health? Bio

Is the World Regulating Its Way To Better Health?

Regulations designed to improve consumer health are well-intended, but come with real costs along the supply chain.

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Mirror, Mirror, on the… Imports? The Application of the EU’s Health and Environmental Standards to Imported Agricultural Products. Bio

Mirror, Mirror, on the… Imports? The Application of the EU’s Health and Environmental Standards to Imported Agricultural Products.

It is critical that U.S. agribusinesses are aware of how the application of European Union’s health and environmental standards to imported agricultural products may impact their exports to and from the EU.

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Two policy areas that could make or break your global competitiveness, and one that could sneak up on you Bio

Two policy areas that could make or break your global competitiveness, and one that could sneak up on you

Food and ag traders are experiencing a global regulatory landscape that poses significant challenges for companies of all sizes.

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It’s That Time of Year Again: Grant Applications are Now Being Accepted! Bio

It’s That Time of Year Again: Grant Applications are Now Being Accepted!

Several USDA programs are currently open for U.S. companies, nonprofits, and commodity groups to apply for grant funding with deadlines ranging from May through December.

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EU Insights: The Six Objectives of EU’s New Farm-to-Fork Strategy Bio

EU Insights: The Six Objectives of EU’s New Farm-to-Fork Strategy

It is critical that U.S. agribusinesses are aware of the six overlapping objectives of the European Union’s new Farm-to-Fork strategy and how it may impact exports to and from member countries.

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EU’s Proposed ‘Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation’ Bio

EU’s Proposed ‘Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation’

Though new regulations to reduce pesticide use among EU farmers by 50 percent may not impact importers directly, understanding these laws is critical.

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EU Insights: A Primer on European Union Pesticide Policies Bio

EU Insights: A Primer on European Union Pesticide Policies

This first in a series of articles on insights into the European Union, provides a brief summary of the three pillars that make up the EU’s pesticide policy.

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Seeking Australian MRLs for Imported Products Bio

Seeking Australian MRLs for Imported Products

Although Australia doesn’t defer to International Codex standards, it does have one of the most efficient systems in the world for seeking and harmonizing MRLs.

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Understanding UK’s Pesticide and MRL Systems Post Brexit Bio

Understanding UK’s Pesticide and MRL Systems Post Brexit

Great Britain and EU Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) are likely to diverge once new pesticide and MRL review systems are in place. The new system offers opportunity for exporters to seek MRL harmonization in Great Britain.

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India Rising: Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Agriculture Bio

India Rising: Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Agriculture

India is undergoing a rapid transformation as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This brings vast opportunities for U.S. agriculture as rising incomes and exposure to new products alter consumer attitudes.

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What is a BCI Monitor? Bio

What is a BCI Monitor?

One of the most valuable products available to BCI clients is a report we call BCI Monitor. But exactly what is BCI Monitor and how can it help your business?

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Korea’s Positive MRL List and What It Means for Exporters Bio

Korea’s Positive MRL List and What It Means for Exporters

On January 1, 2022, the Republic of Korea fully implemented its pesticide “Positive List System.” Exporters to Korea must now comply with established Korean pesticide Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).

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Farm Foundation Primer on Farm to Fork Bio
White Paper

Farm Foundation Primer on Farm to Fork

The European Union has begun integrating industrial, agricultural, transportation, environmental, and health policies into an overarching initiative to make Europe the first carbon emissions neutral continent by 2050.

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What to Do if You Have a Pesticide Residue Violation Bio
White Paper

What to Do if You Have a Pesticide Residue Violation

It is the phone call no one wants to receive: Your shipment is being held in a foreign market for a pesticide residue violation.

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Brexit: What A Trade Agreement With The U.K. Could Mean For U.S. Agriculture Bio
White Paper

Brexit: What A Trade Agreement With The U.K. Could Mean For U.S. Agriculture

Although the United Kingdom (U.K.) remains tied to the European Union’s (E.U.) tariffs and regulations until the end of the year, in January 2020, it ended its membership in the Union.

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