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BCI Moderates Second Discussion on Codex Enhancements

Matt led discussions focused on how Codex reviews can be conducted efficiently and remain vital into the future.

On Thursday, February 23, BCI’s Vice President for Global Access, moderated a three hour panel on enhancing the Codex pesticide review process. This is the second time Matt has moderated such a panel. Over 115 individuals from eight countries joined the discussion.

Due to COVID and other factors, there is a backlog of substances seeking international Codex maximum residue levels. The discussions focused on how to ensure that backlog is addressed, and how Codex reviews can be conducted efficiently and remain vital into the future. Numerous ideas were exchanged.

Matt was honored to be asked to again lead these productive discussions. Further dialogue is expected at the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues meeting to be held in Beijing the last week of June. BCI’s Alinne Oliveira is expected to attend that meeting.

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